my daughters, Amanda and Aubrey, went up to Pismo to explore and take pictures of the
wildflowers. I was impressed both with the beauty of God's creation and
Amanda's photography skills which far exceed mine. Amanda definitely
has the "photographic eye." She sees life in things that I
would consider dead or plain. And, she has an amazing ability to
spotlight this beauty, juxtaposing it against all the other mundane
objects that consume my vision.
I have no idea what this flower or weed is called, but it struck a chord with me, and stood out from the other pictures. Yesterday I started this blog titled, "With Unveiled Face." Today, it was like God said to me, "Here's your visual of 2 Corinthians 3:18. You're like that flower, that weed - ordinary and plain, until the light of My glory shines upon you! Until you radiate the warmth and majesty of your Creator."
so beautiful!